> While we do this, can I check your view on the possible document status?
> - If we need RFC2119 keywords to make the guidelines normative, would we
> make the document BCP - or are you happy with standards keywords in an
> informational document?

Actually, I was thinking Proposed Standard, as an Applicability
Statement (see RFC 2026, Section 3.2).  BCP would be an alternative

I think that, *if this is the way the WG decides to go*, it would not
require extensive document changes.  I see it as something like this:

a. Make udpzero a Proposed Standard and call it an Applicability
Statement, or make it a BCP.

b. Put the 2119 language into udpzero Section 5.1, instead of in
udpchecksums Section 5.

c. Change the intro paragraph in udpzero Section 5:

   This section identifies requirements for the protocols that are
   transported over a transport connection that does not perform a UDP
   checksum calculation to verify the integrity at the transport

NEW (for AS)
   This section is an Applicability Statement that identifies REQUIRED
   restrictions on the use of techniques that involve not performing UDP
   checksum calculations to verify the integrity at the transport endpoints.

NEW (for BCP)
   This section specifies best current practice for REQUIRED restrictions
   on the use of techniques that involve not performing UDP checksum
   calculations to verify the integrity at the transport endpoints.

(Or some similar sort of language to indicate that the restrictions
must be followed.)

d. Change udpchecksums Section 5 to remove the numbered list and the
RFC Editor note, and to make this other change:

      However, some protocols, such as tunneling protocols that
      use UDP as a tunnel encapsulation, MAY omit computing the UDP
      checksum of the encapsulating UDP header and set it to zero,
      subject to the constraints described in RFCXXXX.

      However, some protocols, such as tunneling protocols that
      use UDP as a tunnel encapsulation, MAY omit computing the UDP
      checksum of the encapsulating UDP header and set it to zero,
      subject to the constraints described in [I-D.ietf-6man-udpzero],
      Section 5.1.

e. Make udpzero a normative reference.

With those changes, most of udpzero remains as informational
exposition leading up to Section 5, and Section 5 is the normative

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