ralph> Why wouldn't RPL be used for such networks? It has built-in PD for
    ralph> dynamic networks, if I understand it correctly, with RA used at the
    ralph> subnet level.

Alexandru Petrescu <alexandru.petre...@gmail.com> wrote:
    AP> RA used to exchange routes - if this is what you mean, and yes it may be
    AP> used by RPL (last time I read it).

    AP> If the question is about this, then I think it is pertinent.  One may
    AP> imagine a way to use RPL on the MRs for that purpose.

    AP> However, I doubt RPL can Delegate Prefixes (in the pure sense of Prefix
    AP> Delegation).

RPL doesn't do this in protocol, but then, neither does ND.
I wouldn't extend RPL to do this, however, I'd send a DHCPv6 PD format
message.  It can be a single exchange, and nobody said a single program
can't speak multiple protocols.

But, I question whether one always needs to get address space, vs
announce it.  I don't know the answer: it really depends upon who your
second vehicle needs to talk to, and why it thinks that vehicle one (and
vehicle one's ISP) is willing to give it bandwidth.

If you don't want to speak RPL, then you need to pick the TBD 
We don't need a third.

Michael Richardson
-on the road-

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