On 12  Dec 2012, at 12:14 , Rémi Després wrote:
> In any case, IIDs for multicast addresses are out of scope for the IPv6 
> addressing architecture of RFC 4291.

Disagree.  It is clear that RFC-4291 has reserved 
the use of G==U==1 for multicast identifiers.

> An important point to be noted is that, in the translation direction
> from EUI-64 of IEEE to modified EUI-64 of IETF, the proposed format
> implies no change at all.

It *breaks* the reverse mapping, however, whereas today
the *bi-directional* mapping works reliably.

> In other words, reserving a /8 IID prefix for 4rd (and possibly
> some others for new types of unicast addresses) won't prevent
> from using IEEE-based IIDs with u=g=1 for multicast.


As a trivial example, one can use a unicast routing prefix 
to specify an RP location, along with a multicast group-id
(so that the RP knows to multicast RPF the packet).  This
has the potential to reduce the state required in inter-domain 
routers, to give an example of why this approach can be useful.

> Reasons why a new format is used for 4rd have been extensively
> discussed in Softwire.  If you are really interested,
> we can continue, but offline. 

Those reasons are directly relevant to the 6MAN WG decision
about this proposal, so those reasons need to be articulated
here, on-list.  Softwire and 6MAN are different WGs.  IETF
rules do not assume every member of one WG also belongs to a
different WG.

> Where 6man has to be involved is to conclude whether the new
> IID format is an acceptable new usage of the openness of
> RFC 4291 to new unicast-address technologies,
> and if not to explain why. 

The language you keep quoting was inserted to leave the
door open for GSE/8+8.  Please don't twist the words to
try to justify something that the text really does not

Further, under IETF rules, the burden of proof/justification 
is entirely on the folks advocating change to the IPv6 specs, 
NOT on the 6MAN WG.



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