
Just a correction on the intended status.

On 2013-02-26 00:57, Bob Hinden wrote:
> All,
> This message starts a one week 6MAN Working Group on advancing:
>       Title           : IPv6 and UDP Checksums for Tunneled Packets
>       Author(s)       : Marshall Eubanks
>                           P.F. Chimento
>                           Magnus Westerlund
>       Filename        : draft-ietf-6man-udpchecksums-08.txt
>       Pages           : 13
>       Date            : 2013-02-21
> as Proposed Standard, and
>       Title           : Applicability Statement for the use of IPv6 UDP 
> Datagrams with Zero Checksums
>       Author(s)       : Godred Fairhurst
>                           Magnus Westerlund
>       Filename        : draft-ietf-6man-udpzero-12.txt
>       Pages           : 41
>       Date            : 2013-02-25
> as an Informational RFC.

No, also as Standards Track Applicability Statement, i.e. a Proposed

/Magnus Westerlund

> This last call is being done given the number of changes made to
resolve issues raised during the IESG review. All of the IESG discussed
have been cleared based on the changes in these versions of the documents.
> Substantive comments and statements of support for advancing this
document should be directed to the mailing list. Editorial suggestions
can be sent to the authors. This last call will end on 4 March 2013.
> Regards,
> Bob Hinden & Ole Trøan
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
> ipv6@ietf.org
> Administrative Requests: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6
> --------------------------------------------------------------------


Magnus Westerlund

Multimedia Technologies, Ericsson Research EAB/TVM
Ericsson AB                | Phone  +46 10 7148287
Färögatan 6                | Mobile +46 73 0949079
SE-164 80 Stockholm, Sweden| mailto: magnus.westerl...@ericsson.com

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Administrative Requests: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6

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