It is very clear that if the attacker finds the private key, the size of the 
hash does not matter. But can you explain why you believe that retrieving the 
private key from the public key and a clear text/encrypted text pair is easier 
than breaking a hash? Did you somehow crack RSA?

From: [] On Behalf Of Hosnieh 
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 6:27 AM
Cc: Erik Nordmark;; Ray Hunter
Subject: security consideration of CGA and SSAS - Ii-D action : 

There was a discussion during my presentation about security considerations 
regarding the use of my algorithm compared with those of the use of CGA. A big 
mistake that is made when considering CGA security is that the sec value plays 
an important role and that an attacker will need to do brute force attacks 
against the IID in order to generate the same IID as is generated by the use of 
CGA. In a CGA analysis paper they talk about a CGA security vaulue of pow (2, 
sec*16 * 59) where 2 is the base and sec*16 * 59 is the exponential value and 
so they infer that by increasing the sec value used with CGA it will be safer, 
but this Is not true.
I, as an attacker, just to need to find your private key. That's it. This is 
because you have already included the CGA parameters (public key, modifier, and 
other required parameters) in the  packet that was sent and I will have no 
problem in regenerating the CGA. My only problem will be in generating the 
signature that can be verified by use of your public key. This means that you 
just increased the complexity and time required for generating and verifying 
the IID while with SSAS you can obtain the same security as when using CGA 
because its security also depends on the Hash function that is used to generate 
the key pair and signature.
If you send the CGA parameters via a safe channel, like in establishing TLS 
etc., then, in that case, CGA would be more secure than SSAS. But in practice 
all the data is sent in the same packet without encryption. If a secured 
channel would be used in the CGA process for security reasons (sending CGA 
parameters), then the cost of using CGA would be much greater than the cost of 
using SSAS.

Now the question is, Why not use a more cost efficient algorithm that afford 
you with the same security level as when using CGA.

I have also included the security group in this email so that they can also 
give me any comments that they might have.

Thank you,
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