Hi, Mark,

On 04/11/2013 05:04 PM, Mark Smith wrote:
>> A number of years ago this happened with Linux. IIRC, it was
>> related to changing the default order of device driver loading, or
>> changing from sequential loading of device drivers to parallel
>> loading. That reordered the interface numbering and therefore the
>> names, which people didn't like.

It's not surprising that people didn't like it :-) -- e.g., if you have
per-interface fw rules, this breaks everything.

> The solution at the time was to
>> use the interface MAC address to assign interfaces persistent names
>> by renaming the interfaces late in the initialisation stage.

mm.. not sure hat you mean...

>> One thing that may also influence this draft is that interfaces may
>> be added to the system after it has booted. For example, I carry
>> around a couple of USB/Ethernet adaptors that I'll add to my laptop
>> if I need them for troubleshooting (and with my new laptop being
>> wifi only, just to connect to a wired network), and I may not know
>> if I'll need them when I boot my laptop.

Well, if you add the card once the device has been bootstrapped, that
shouldn't break the sequence of IID -- i.e., the USB/Ethernet adaptor
would get an IfInndex that is larger than all existing IfIndexes...

>> I also have a 3G mobile
>> dongle that I occasionally use. I'm pretty sure Linux allocates
>> ifindex values sequentially as the driver is loaded, so what
>> ifindex values these dynamic interfaces gets is not going to be
>> consistent and persistent.

If you always connect these cards in the same sequence, why shouldn't them?

P.S.: In any case, I've tweaked the I-D to essentially say that "the
IfIndex might change if network interfaces are installed or removed".


Best regards,
Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
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