On Jun 3, 2013, at 7:27 AM, Ted Lemon <ted.le...@nominum.com> wrote:

> On Jun 2, 2013, at 11:21 PM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:
>>> Yes.   A fine engineering solution for demonstration purposes, but not a 
>>> good solution for us to recommend for deployment in the long term.   
>>> Because it commits wide prefixes to sub-delegations, it wastes address 
>>> space profligately, and likely would require a /48 for a fairly trivial 
>>> subnetted homenet.
>> You say that as if it would be a bad thing.
>> I don't see a problem with it.
> IIRC, what started this conversation was the claim that wasting bits on 
> semantic identifiers was bad because it wasted address space.   If you don't 
> think wasting address space is a problem, why are we even having this debate?

I guess it boils down to the definition of waste.

I believe that making bits available for greater flexibility in consumer 
networking is a good use of bits.

I believe that stealing bits from the consumer for purposes of allowing the 
provider to overload the IP address with yet more unrelated meaning (semantic 
identifiers) isn't a good idea even if it didn't involve stealing the bits from 


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