>> Title
>> =====
>> The document should be renamed "IPv6 Fragmentation Considered Ineffective"
> That is an improvement because it more accurately describes 
> the content of the draft.

I'm not entirely certain I agree.  The suggested title indicates
admittance of defeat against mis-configured middleboxes and over-
paranoid network administrators, and an implicit willingness to
surrender the authority to define our protocols.

I'm at the moment not entirely certain I have a suggested
alternative title; I may need to give that a bit of thought.
Something perhaps about "deployment considerations"?

>> - Legacy applications and transport layer protocols will continue
>>   to generate fragments
> Since this is basically a document with lots of good advice, 
> I'd also add some very clear and specific recommendations that 
> middleboxes and firewalls:
> A) MUST NOT block ICMP-based PMTUD messages where the indicated
>    link MTU is equal-to or greater-than the standard IPv6 minimum
>    link MTU.
> B) SHOULD NOT block ICMP-based PMTUD messages where the indicated
>    link MTU is less than the standard IPv6 minimum link MTU in order
>    to avoid breaking real-world nested tunnel deployments using
>    IETF standards-track technologies.

Yes, please, thank you!

Much throughout this discussion there seems to have been a lack
of will to retain the authority to define the protocols with the
IETF, and I see the above two points as good steps to amend that on
this particular issue.

>> - Implementers and operators need to be aware that on many paths
>>   through the Internet, IPv6 fragmentation will fail. Legacy
>>   applications and transport layer protocols that do not conform to
>>   the previous paragraph can expect connectivity failures as a
>>   result.
> s/can expect/might experience/
> We don't want to use words that a naive reader/implementer
> would misinterpret as consent for violating RFC-2460 et seq.

For basically the same reasons as above, I agree with this change.

Best regards,

- HÃ¥vard
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