At 05:03 AM 8/30/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi all, I realyze many of the people on the list are hard core d x ers,
>with expensive equipment, and technical knowledge to fix their
>receivers and things, but I d x on my g e super radio 2, but it is so
>dirty as far as the tuner is concerned, that I can't go up and down the
>A M and fm bands, and I need somebody in the San Francisco bay area to
>take it apart, and spray some tuner cleaner in there, because I don't
>know how to do that, and I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount
>for somebody's time, and also to bring my super radio to their
>location, as to make it easier on them.  I know this is an unusual
>request, but this problem has seriously hampered my d x ing ability,
>so, if anybody can help me, please contact me off list at
>as to not clutter the list, and thank you very much in advance.  This
>problem is especially bad around k g o's frequency, and I do have some
>tuner cleaner, but I don't know how to take the radio apart to do this


If nobody else jumps up, ship it to me and I'll see what I can do.
Do you have any technical literature on the GE, aside from the
usual operator manual. Maybe able to do a good alignment on, too,
if I have some service literature.

Oh, be very careful in shipping it. I'd suggest taking it directly
to UPS and not one of their contracting "UPS stores." UPS will
bundle it correctly for shipment. A contractor may do a poor job
with you left with a busted-up radio.



   Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
  Greenville, North Carolina 

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