First, I want to say that I'm very excited by the progress of IronRuby.

So, my interrest lies in getting Ruby web applications running through IIS 7. Specifically Rails, but also others like Sinatra and Merb, all of which are now built on Rack. Rack implements a new web-to- application protocol, based partly on Python's WSGI, which supplants FastCGI.

I've looked, and someone has already created nWSGI on CodePlex. This project implements WSGI, and hosts IronPython to run the Python app.

I'm thinking of taking a similar approach, but one of the key requirements of the Rack protocol is that the Rack application's call method takes exactly one param: a Ruby Hash; it cannot be a subclass. Reading the status at, it looks like Hash is not yet implemented. Is this the case?

I guess I'm looking to see if my project is something that can be done at this time, or if IronRuby needs some more help before I can attempt it. I'd be happy to contribute time & code to get this working.


Will Green
Ironruby-core mailing list

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