Hi Will,
If you want any help (I'm the author of NWSGI) drop me a line. The
specifications certainly are very similar; NWSGI is only a couple
hundred lines, so I doubt a Rack implementation would be any larger.

The really hard part is building the management interface - WinForms
is a huge PITA.

- Jeff

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Will Green <w...@hotgazpacho.org> wrote:
> Woops, looks like it was on the GitHub wiki, and I may have ascribed more
> meaning to what is there: http://wiki.github.com/ironruby/ironruby/libraries
> I just had this idea this morning after attending a regional Ruby conference
> (acts_as_conference). I'll get right on getting set up.
> Thanks!
> ==
> Will
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