--- Comment #9 from Eric <> ---
(In reply to Eric from comment #8)
> I can confirm that I was able to reproduce the bug.
> I'm running Windows 7 64-bit
> OpenOffice 4.1 and 4.2
> MS Word 2013 32-bit
> Steps I took:
> 1.  Open Writer
> 2.  Enter 'This is a test sentence.'
> 3.  Hit enter
> 4.  Enter 'This is another test sentence.'
> 5.  Save the file as a .doc Windows 97/2003
> 6.  Navigate to the file's location
> 7.  Right click on it and select Open with MS Word 2013
> 8.  When it opens in Word 2013, notice the last line is gone
> I have NOT been able to reproduce this bug by coping text from a Word file. 
> I tested this several times using different amounts of text, and never saw
> the bug.  
> I did some subsequent tests in an effort to help troubleshoot. 
> - Tested short paragraph, i.e. two lines - Reproducible
> - Tested long paragraphs, i.e. whole page - Reproducible
> - Tested different punctuation at the end of sentence, had no affect -
> Reproducible
> - Tested with formatting, i.e. bullets and heading 1, had no affect -
> reproducible
> - Tested protected vs. non-Protected view in Word, had no affect -
> Reproducible
> - Tested with different sized text, 12 for the steps described above.  Then
> 22, then 60.  Had no affect - Reproducible
> - Tested with different fonts, i.e Tunga and Kristen ITC, had no affect -
> reproducible.

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