My mail provider had problems yesterday, so I'm getting mail from
yesterday night today morning and it seems that aerc reports actual
arrival times from yesterday, while gmail shows the time it actually
arrived in the inbox, so this seems to be the "standard". I'm guessing
aerc uses the date header while most providers use the timestamp of
the file? I tried using touch to change a file's access time, but I
don't think mbsync is picking that up. But anyway, if you want to
original arrival times it should be in the raw email's date header, I
just don't know how to sync it with imap.


Ondřej Synáček <> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. aug. 16., K, 9:06):
> Hello,
> hopefully I'm posting this to the right place. I'm trying to figure out
> what I did "wrong".
> I'm using `aerc` email client which is set to use maildir and mbsync
> to synchronize email on Fastmail server to my local machine. It works good
> and I've been using it for more than a year in this setup.
> Today I decided to create some folders so I used webmail to create
> folders and synced them. I then proceeded to use `aerc` email client
> and move the emails to my new folders. I then synced my email.
> When I was finished I noticed something unpleasant. Other email clients
> than `aerc` started displaying wrong timestamps on those moved emails.
> The timestamp is now basically today's date / the time when the move
> occurred. This happens in web mail client and also in iOS Mail app.
> I would like to fix this somehow as I think the temporal information
> is quite important. `aerc` still displays the correct timestamp so it
> seems like it's not lost but other email clients default to some
> different timestamp.
> I did write on `aerc` IRC channel to see if the client could have messed
> up the timestamp but the answer was that most likely that's not the case
> and this is something which is probably caused by IMAP itself - sorry I'm
> not an expert on email technology so that's as much as I can interpret
> it.
> This is what my `~/.mbsyncrc` file looks like:
> ```
> IMAPAccount
> AuthMechs Login
> Host
> User
> PassCmd "gpg --decrypt --no-tty ~/mail/"
> SSLVersions TLSv1.2
> Port 993
> IMAPStore
> Account
> MaildirStore
> SubFolders Verbatim
> Path ~/mail/
> Inbox ~/mail/
> Channel
> CopyArrivalDate yes
> Far
> Near
> Patterns "*"
> Sync All
> Create Both
> Expunge Both
> SyncState *
> ```
> Would `CopyArrivalDate` cause this? It's long time since I set up mbsync
> and I forgot why I adeded it there.
> I would be glad for any help that I can get. Thank you very much.
> Ondrej
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