On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 04:48:13PM +0200, Ondřej Synáček wrote:
When I was finished I noticed something unpleasant. Other email clients
than `aerc` started displaying wrong timestamps on those moved emails.
The timestamp is now basically today's date / the time when the move
occurred. This happens in web mail client and also in iOS Mail app.

that's expected if they show the arrival date rather than the mails' contained date headers.

Would `CopyArrivalDate` cause this?

no, it would _fix_ that issue, though not in this particular scenario - aerc is apparently resetting the local timestamp (the file's mtime) when moving mails, so that's what gets synced. without the option, the time of the syncing itself would be used, which wouldn't make much of a difference for the uplaoded mails under the circumstances.

in principle, one could recover the arrival dates by parsing the mails' `received:` headers, which one can presumably do with formail and/or some perl. however, the date isn't kept in sync once the mails are transferred, so you'd need to nuke the folders on the server and re-push (make sure to nuke the local state files first!).

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