* Marton Balazs <balm...@gmail.com> [2024-01-29 12:55]:
> Thanks All, this is my page :-) great to see it's useful. While it still 
> works fine on my work machine running Ubuntu 20.04, some update on my Arch at 
> home broke something (I don't know what exactly) so at home I'm now following 
> Bence's excellent guides from a previous email on this thread with mailctl 
> instead of oauth2ms. 

I just noticed that installing oauth2ms requirements.txt via pip as
described on [1] might fail, at least on Debian, as they updated their
policy regarding python package management without setting up explicit

So I installed these via Debian's apt as python3-xdg python3-msal

thanks again for the guide Márton!

[1] https://github.com/harishkrupo/oauth2ms

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