
I am running into an issue with flag propagation after moving an email.
I assume this is an issue with my config, as I haven't seen other people
complain about it. But I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, so I
am hoping that someone here can help.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Have an unread email in a folder.
2. Read the email/apply other flags to it
3. Move the email to a different folder
4. Run mbsync

If I check the remote side, the email has been moved to the correct
folder, but it is unread. A second sync with mbsync will also result in
the email being unread again locally. Any other applied flags are also
gone now.

Running mbsync after reading and after moving works as expected.

I first assumed this was an issue with gmail and the way it works with
labels rather than folders, but I recently found out I have the same
issue with protonmail, so I'm not sure that's where the issue is

This issue occurs whether I use neomutt or do the rename manually.

I have looked at the logs if run with --debug-sync, but couldn't figure
out what I had done wrong. But I can supply it if that would help.

If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong I'd love to know. This has been the
one pain point I've had since switching to isync.



Isync version: isync 1.4.4

IMAPStore GmailLaburnum-remote
Host imap.gmail.com
User laburnum...@gmail.com
PassCmd "gpg --card-status >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && gpg -q 
--for-your-eyes-only --no-tty -d $HOME/.secrets/GmailLaburnum.asc 2>/dev/null"

MaildirStore GmailLaburnum-local
Path ~/Mail/GmailLaburnum/
Inbox ~/Mail/GmailLaburnum/Inbox
Subfolders Verbatim

Channel GmailLaburnum
Far :GmailLaburnum-remote:
Near :GmailLaburnum-local:
Create Both
Expunge Both
Patterns * !"[Gmail]/All Mail" !"[Gmail]/Important"
SyncState *
Sync All

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