On 2024-04-02 16:02:06, Oswald Buddenhagen via isync-devel wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 01, 2024 at 09:09:16PM +0200, Oswald Buddenhagen via isync-devel 
> wrote:
> > [...] mail me the logs.
> > 
> so with the logs at hand it really looks like the imap server is acting
> up:
> first run:
> F: >>> 10 APPEND "Folders/Test2" (\Seen) {6229}
> F: + Ready
> F: * 1 EXISTS
> F: * 1 RECENT
> F: 10 OK [APPENDUID 36790870 1] APPEND
> second run:
> F: >>> 7 UID FETCH 1:1 (UID FLAGS)
> F: * 1 FETCH (UID 1 FLAGS ())
> F: 7 OK command completed in 243 microsec.
> the \seen flag is obviously *just gone*. huh?
> as an experiment, see whether the same happens with \flagged.
> of course it would be a funny coincidence if both the proton mail bridge
> and gmail were affected in the same way. or maybe the underlying
> mechanism is actually different - you'd need to repeat the experiments
> with gmail to tell.

I was looking at some more logs yesterday where I also tried it with
flagged, and it's the same result.

F: >>> 10 APPEND "Folders/Test2" (\Flagged \Seen) {6229}
F: [ 15] Leave store_msg
N: [ 14] Callback leave fetch_msg
N: [ 14] Leave fetch_msg
N: [ 13] Callback leave load_box
N: [ 13] Leave load_box
F: [ 10] Callback leave open_box
F: + Ready

And then for the second run it says it's going to update the flags.
Quite frustrating, but it does indeed seem to be a problem with both
Gmail and Protonmail. I'm thinking of creating an email address at
another provider to see if the problem exists there too.

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