Quoting Javier Del Amo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Ok, perhaps I have not explained very well. I will reconsider the question.

Your problem is not the language. Your English is sufficient.
Your problem is that you're not a programmer, doing a programmer's job.

How can I get a numbered list with a second level or third level? I know how
to do a list with one level, but I donĀ“t know how to do a list with some

2. Text
    2.1 text
    2.2 text
    2.3 text
       2.3.1 text
3. Text

There's even an example in the tutorial that explains how to do this!
I've adapted the example (see attachment).

I can already predict your next question: how are you going to get
the page numbers on the right side. If you insist on using lists,
then you'll have to use onGenericTag and pass the page number with
the tag-text. Then add the number on the correct position in a page
event. However, I fail to see why you are trying to achieve this
using lists. I think the obvious solution is to use a PdfPTable
to render the index.

You think that I am not a serious person, and you believe me,
you are very wrong.

OK, let me repeat: your problem is that you're not a programmer,
doing a programmer's job. That's not serious.
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[Attachment stripped: Original attachment type: "text/x-java", name: 
[Attachment stripped: Original attachment type: "application/pdf", name: 
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