precyz wrote:
> In my case this instruction returns only "yes":
> form.getField("nameRadiobutton") is equal to "yes". This says anything to me
> becouse i need something different.

See my previous answer: you misunderstand the concept of radiobuttons
(both in PDF as in HTML).

> Lets take eg. from your book.

Yes, let's do that:

> There is
> radiobutton named "language".

NO THERE ISN'T!!! Read the example!
"person.language" is a Choice/List/ComboField!
There are radiobuttons "person.preferred"
and there are checkboxes "person.knowledge".

> It has values "languages = { "English",
> "French", "Dutch" };". On document I choose "French" language and then save
> the doc.

A person can have knowledge of different languages (checkboxes),
but we also ask for one preferred language (radiobutton).

> After that i need to read this document again and find out which
> value of radiobutton was choosen. How can i get the choosen value of
> radiobutton?

The way YOU do it, you can't (actually you can, but I don't want
to tell you how because doing it like that would be bad taste).

Let's return to the book example:

For the checkboxes I have 3 fields with different names:
Their values can be "On" or "Off".

For the radio buttons however, there is only one field
"person.preferred" but it has 3 widgets.
EN has "EN" as on-value, and "Off" as off-value
FR has "FR" as on-value, and "Off" as off-value
NL has "NL" as on-value, and "Off" as off-value

You think it should be:
EN has "On" as on-value, and "Off" as off-value
FR has "On" as on-value, and "Off" as off-value
NL has "On" as on-value, and "Off" as off-value
but as you found out, that just doesn't make sense.

Please change the way your form was created so that you
no longer make wrong use of radio buttons.

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