
As you know, we will have a meeting with our users soon. As a developer, I 
have to wait for the decision from my manager and business. If our users 
still want to add these buttons into the PDF document, I think that we may 
have a test with your example to see if it meets the requirements.

Thank you.

2008/06/12 12:58 PM
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Re: [iText-questions] Save and Email functions in       iText   for PDF 

> Indeed, that's true. If Hanna realizes her company needs
> professional help, perhaps she should go private with the
> discussion, and check with 1T3XT BVBA on the possibilities.
> It would certainly be feasible to put together a demo that
> would show her company what *can* be done.

Or maybe Hanna knows that I'm too good for this world,
and that I would put together an example anyway ;-)

See the result:

On the up side: I didn't have to check the check box in the preferences
I mentioned. I guess that checkbox is there to prevent the immediate
execution of actions that don't show a dialog before executing.

On the down side: you do get a warning that you can't "save the
changes." This dialog is completely normal, but some users might
wonder why it is shown.

If Hanna thinks the example answered here question, she's hereby
invited to use the PayPal button to throw a few bucks towards iText.
Read http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,7-1664577,00.html
to find out why.
This answer is provided by 1T3XT BVBA

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