> Maybe it's related to the indexing sevice.
> Anyway, I think the notion that there is some feature
> that scans the files is a good one. Now you have three suggestions:
> Virus checker
> SVN (or some other similar tool)
> The windows indexing service (not sure about the name, but I mean the
> service that indexes files to enable faster searching).

Just for my own curiosity, is there some reason that 
calling FileStream.close() is not an option? 
( like it doesn't exist or it is called in the itext calls or something?).
I can't imagine there is no way to explicitly close a file.
Certainly virus scans are known to cause problems like this but
I wouldn't rely on the fs becoming unreachable to flush and release
instantly but then I know nothing of your runtime. Do you know
that zero-reference is supposed to flush and close right away?
I've seen some issues in some javas related to this issue IIRC.
Curious to at least find out who has the resources.


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