In our case, we will have a Websphere running on the server side with iText 5 
jar file, our intranet employees will use browsers to view and print the pdf 
files generated by the iText, then send the printed the document to external 
Do we need a commercial license in this case?
Many thanks!


From: Paulo Soares [] 
Sent: April 22, 2010 9:08 AM
To: Post all your questions about iText here
Subject: Re: [iText-questions] What action is requred in terms of License

The intranet I was referring to was in a company where it's only accessed by 
the employees. In an University the same would apply for faculty members but 
not for students or faculty members from other Universities.

From: Cameron Laird []
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 1:45 PM
To: Post all your questions about iText here
Subject: Re: [iText-questions] What action is requred in terms of License

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Paulo Soares <> wrote:

        If you're using it in an intranet you don't have to do anything. If 
you're exposing the service to the exterior either you provide the source code 
of your application or you buy a commercial license.

What does "intranet" mean in this context?  Is a license required if the Web 
application is restricted to faculty in a particular department of a particular 
university [my speculation:  that is an intranet, and the license requires 
nothing further]?  What if such a faculty member reaches the departmental 
application from a Web browser at his home off-campus [my speculation:  that is 
*not* an intranet, and source-code-or-license is required]?  What if the 
departmental application is open to academic collaborators who might 
potentially be based anywhere in the (IP-connected) world [my speculation:  
that is even less of an intranet, and source-code-or-license is required--but 
it's really not very commercial, as the purpose is only to promote academic 

Thank you, Paulo, for your help in these matters.


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