On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:52 AM, 1T3XT info <i...@1t3xt.info> wrote:

> crimeunit wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > Does somebody else know maybe that I can use another library where I can
> > specially read out the links of content (to another pdf file) into a pdf?
> Reading out the "links" is a completely different question.
> Links (anchors, hyperlinks, external go to actions,...) are not part of
> the page content stream; they are stored in Link annotations and very
> easy to retrieve.
> Your problem is that you are not using the correct terminology,
> therefore it is impossible for anybody to answer your question.
> I interpreted your question as a request to do something that is
> impossible: you want to extract structure from a PDF that isn't
> structured (a PDF that isn't tagged).
> You won't find any tool that can do that.
> Maybe your question is of a completely different nature. Maybe you're
> asking something that is easy to achieve, but given the poor phrasing,
> we can't be sure.
>    ...

crimeunit, my personal guess is that iText *can* help you achieve what
you're after.  You'll do well to sharpen your question and ask it again,
probably with a pertinent example.

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