On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 8:57 AM, crimeunit <nielspauwel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thx both of you for replying on my answer.
> What I can show you all is the both (I tried with debugging on PDFOne
> library [as in the picture])
> ..but I want to do it with the iText library!!! but I don't can take out
> the
> names of the links. (the pictures will explain a lot more..)  [what I need
> with iText is this (as in pdfone debugging screen showed up:
> "m1\m1-toc.pdf")]
> m1-toc.pdf = directory of "m1\m1-toc.pdf" "..\m1\.." is the folder.
> Root pdf-file by PDFReader function (the content-> links m1-toc.pdf &
> m2-toc.pdf I need!!)
> http://itext-general.2136553.n4.nabble.com/file/n2236285/pdf-file_of_pdfreader.jpg
> PDFOne analyse
> http://itext-general.2136553.n4.nabble.com/file/n2236285/analyse_-_PDFOneJava.jpg
> also this i tried, but I can't call the method: 'getAllAnnotations' (or do
> I
> don't need to use this?)
> http://itext-general.2136553.n4.nabble.com/file/n2236285/iText_example.jpg
> can somebody help me out, thx?!


I'm lost.  I appreciate that you have provided more detail, and gone to
significant trouble to inform us with pertinent screenshots.  I really don't
know what it's all about, though.  The best I can offer is to point you to
Chapter 7 of the book <URL: http://itextpdf.com/book/toc.php >; I suspect
your interest has to do with what PDF calls "actions".

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