crimeunit wrote:
> in mijn debugging-output window krijg ik de respectievelijke (rood
> omcirkelde) resultaten van mijn keys.
> Ik neem aan dat deze 2 refereren naar de m1-toc.pdf en m2-toc.pdf?

OK, for English subscribers:

Getting the annotations for a page with subtype Link, two annotations 
are found. The annotation dictionary has the following keys:

/Subtype => /Link
/C => value is an array defining a color
/Border => value is an array defining the border
/Rect => value is an array defining a rectangle: the position

What you need is the action dictionary (as already  suggested by 
Cameron). You need to look at section 12.6.2 of ISO-32000.

Based on your description, I think you have two Remote Go-To actions.
If you do: PdfDictionary action = annot.getAsDict(PdfName.A);
You'll find a dictionary with the following key-value pairs:

/S => /GoToR
/F => the filename you're looking for
/D => a destination in that file

In other words: you're very close to finding what you need.
You only need to add the line that gets the "action" from the "annot"
and inspect the /F key.

> Ik hoop dat u met deze reply me beter kan begrijpen?

Not for other subscribers who don't understand Dutch,
but it was much clearer for me.


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