
"When using LGPL you can if the library is in an external module, for instance
in a DLL. And you must include its license text in the distribution"

Does PUC-RIO have a copy of all the licenses required for their independently
licensed features in the distribution or IUP/IM/CD website, or do we have to
research that on our own?


On 2020-05-29 at 8:02 AM, Antonio Scuri <antonio.sc...@gmail.com> wrote:

1. Are there other IUP dependencies that require this library?

  No, all these libraries are independent features. You can simply ignore
them. You must link with the specific library to use it, and then be dependent
of its license requirements.

2. There is no way this code can be used with a commercial app, correct?

  When using LGPL you can if the library is in an external module, for
instance in a DLL. And you must include its license text in the distribution.

3. Any advice for removing this library and code cleanly?  

  As I said, you can simply ignore them by not using the features they provide
for IM, CD and IUP. In these cases you must explicitly use something not in
the regular IM, CD or IUP libraries. If you are linking with just the main
IUP, CD and IM libraries you don't have to worry about these libraries.


Em sex., 29 de mai. de 2020 às 11:45, Moore, Tysen <tysen_mo...@mentor.com>

We are using the IUP framework to create a commercial application.  The
decision to use this framework rested upon the statement; "IUP is free
software, can be used for public and commercial applications".  Unfortunately,
our license compliance team has flagged some issues within IUP.  It would
appear that the claim "free" for "commercial applications" may not be entirely
accurate.  We are fortunate that we are currently not using these libraries,
however, we could use some advice/suggestions on the best ways to eliminate
this code.

The licenses that are incompatible with out application include:
- GPLv2 code which should not be linked with proprietary code
- LGPLv3 code can be linked dynamically with proprietary code. It should be
possible for the user to change the LGPLv3 library.
Thanks in advance for any advice/help.

Tysen Moore

The specific files/library at issue are:

1- /thirdparty/im/src/fftw
    IMPORTANT: The FFTW lib has a GPL license. The license of the "im_fftw"
library is automatically GPL.
    So you cannot use it for commercial applications without contacting the

    PROBLEM:    This makes this library unusable for our commercial
    RESOLUTION: Luckily we are not using this code.
    QUESTIONS:  1. Are there other IUP dependencies that require this library?
                2. There is no way this code can be used with a commercial
app, correct?
                3. Any advice for removing this library and code cleanly?
2- /thirdparty/im/src/minilzo
    "LZO compression support uses mini-libLZO version 2.07. \n
    http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/ \n
    Copyright (C) 1996-2014 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer \n
    But its License is GPL, so we kept it in a separate library
    called "im_lzo" that is also GPL."
    PROBLEM:    This makes this library unusable for our commercial
    RESOLUTION: Luckily we are not using this code.
    QUESTIONS:  1. Are there other IUP dependencies that require this library?
                2. There is no way this code can be used with a commercial
app, correct?
                3. Any advice for removing this library and code cleanly?

3- thirdparty/iup/srcmglplot

    "<p>MathGL is a library for creating plots that is system independent. It
    maintained by Alexey Balakin and available at SourceForge
href="http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/";>http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/</a> with
    GPL and
    LGPL licenses.</p>"

    PROBLEM:    This is licensed with GPL and LGPL licenses.  MATGL appears to
mainly be LGPLv3; however, iup/srcmglplot/mgl2/mgl.h is GPLv2 which prevents
use in commercial apps. 
    RESOLUTION: Luckily we are not using this code.
    QUESTIONS:  1. Are there other IUP dependencies that require this library?
                2. There is no way this code can be used with a commercial
app, correct?
                3. Any advice for removing this library and code cleanly?
4- /thirdparty/iup/srctuio/tuio

    "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
    Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) 
    any later version."

    PROBLEM:    This makes this library unusable for our commercial
    RESOLUTION: Luckily we are not using this code.
    QUESTIONS:  1. Are there other IUP dependencies that require this library?
                2. There is no way this code can be used with a commercial
app, correct?
                3. Any advice for removing this library and code cleanly?
5- /thirdparty/cd/src/pdflib

    "pdflib is not free for commercial products. If we don't use or we have a
license than it's ok.
    Licensing and Copyright
    PDFlib Lite can freely be used for non-profit personal use.
    The license text can be found in the file PDFlib-Lite-license.pdf.
    PDFlib, PDFlib+PDI, and PPS can only be used under the terms of
    a commercial license, and always require a license fee. Details
    of the license can be found in the file PDFlib-license.pdf.
    Licensing information is available in the file PDFlib-purchase-order.pdf,
    and on our Web site www.pdflib.com.
    Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining a commercial
    PDFlib license:
    PDFlib GmbH
    Licensing Department
    Franziska-Bilek-Weg 9, 80339 Munich, Germany
    fax +49/89/452 33 84-99
    License inquiries: sa...@pdflib.com
    Support for PDFlib licensees: supp...@pdflib.com"

    PROBLEM:    This is clearly NOT free for commercial use.
    RESOLUTION: Luckily we are not using this code.
    QUESTIONS:  1. Any advice for removing this library and code cleanly?

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