
I don't know exactly why you're having this problem; looks more like a network issue or something.

In any case, Ozone-Wayland can be seen as a part of Chromium project meaning that targets like Chromium Browser and Crosswalk are actually the ones supposed to be built.. you know, with Ozone-Wayland only you cannot do anything :) But as Joel said, come to #ozone-wayland and we try to track down together what's going on...


On 04/11/2014 10:43 AM, maximouton . wrote:

Recently I discovered this interesting project ozone-wayland.
I decided to test it on my platform but when trying to build the rpm on
ubuntu 13.10 I get the folowing:

gbs -v build -A i586 --packaging-dir packaging/rpm/
info: generate repositories ...
debug: fetching
=> /var/tmp/netlab-gbs/gbscachedgb1H6/repomd.xml
debug: disable HTTP caching
debug: fetching error:(22, 'The requested URL returned error: 404 Not

Did anybody tried to install ozone-wayland already?

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