Hi Andy, I would agree with Paul, it's best to use wrt-installer if you can to install/remove applications. If your application is written in HTML5/JS, there is Tizen Device API for that too: - tizen.package API: https://developer.tizen.org/dev-guide/2.2.1/org.tizen.web.device.apireference/tizen/package.html
If you want an example on how such Web API is used, take a look here: https://review.tizen.org/git/?p=profile/ivi/Modello_Appmanager.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/tizen;hb=refs/heads/tizen Thanks, Geoffroy From: IVI [mailto:ivi-boun...@lists.tizen.org] On Behalf Of Hanchett, Paul Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 5:47 PM To: Yang Andy Cc: ivi@lists.tizen.org Subject: Re: [TizenIVI 3.0]Question about WebApplication Install on the wayland Why not just spawn a call to wrt-installer? Duplicating something the system already does, could lead to a fragile design and there's significant risk-- You may not have access to all of the relevant data structures (both knowledge and execution privilege), there's always the possibility that a bug in your code could kill the system, and worst you potentially have to play catch-up if the install process changes. Just some thoughts... :-) Paul Paul Hanchett ------------------- Infotainment Engineer MSX on behalf of Jaguar Land Rover One World Trade Center, 121 Southwest Salmon Street, 11th Floor, Portland, Oregon, 97204 Email: phanc...@jaguarlandrover.com<mailto:phanc...@jaguarlandrover.com> ------------------- Business Details: Jaguar Land Rover Limited Registered Office: Abbey Road, Whitley, Coventry CV3 4LF Registered in England No: 1672070 On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 1:27 AM, Yang Andy <williamyan...@hotmail.com<mailto:williamyan...@hotmail.com>> wrote: Hi Ning I want to design software architecture as below: 1.Put web application on the folder. 2.Develop a applcation which will display web application Icon or name from the folder. 3.When user click the selected application icon ,i will do some action similar [wrt-installer] to insatll web application. The question is that whether i can design function similar wrt-installer or not. For example i can write some script to simulate wrt-installer. Could you give me some advice? Thank you. Andy ________________________________ From: ning.w.w...@intel.com<mailto:ning.w.w...@intel.com> To: williamyan...@hotmail.com<mailto:williamyan...@hotmail.com>; ivi@lists.tizen.org<mailto:ivi@lists.tizen.org> Subject: RE: [TizenIVI 3.0]Question about WebApplication Install on the wayland Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 07:52:59 +0000 Hi Andy, How could you browse files in a folder? A file explorer? To my knowledge, it's not available in IVI yet. So no way to install a web app by double click either. Thanks, Ning From: IVI [mailto:ivi-boun...@lists.tizen.org<mailto:ivi-boun...@lists.tizen.org>] On Behalf Of Yang Andy Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 3:33 PM To: ivi@lists.tizen.org<mailto:ivi@lists.tizen.org> Subject: [TizenIVI 3.0]Question about WebApplication Install on the wayland Hello everyone I have one question about WebApplication Install on the wayland. At present,we have to use command [wrt-installer] to install web application on the wayland terminal. Is there method which can install web application by double click the application icon on the folder? or is there a plan that will add this function by TizenIVI community? [TizenIVI version] 3.0 Thank you. Andy _______________________________________________ IVI mailing list IVI@lists.tizen.org<mailto:IVI@lists.tizen.org> https://lists.tizen.org/listinfo/ivi Intel Corporation NV/SA Kings Square, Veldkant 31 2550 Kontich RPM (Bruxelles) 0415.497.718. Citibank, Brussels, account 570/1031255/09 This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies.
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