> My understanding is that Allwinner has excellent silicon. As Philippe
> has pointed out there seems to be a path to building Tizen 3 already.
> What I wonder is, how relevant is the Allwinner SoC to the automotive
> industry?
As I stated in my initial mail, my hope is that the Community will
support Tizen Common on a few more open platform than the ODroid and
that the IVI industrials will propose a more "professional" platform
(similar to the VTV1010 for IA) for ARM.
I feel that neither the Odroid nor the Allwinner will be much relevant
to the IVI industry except as initial port example for ARM architecture.
> Is it possible to hook up automotive specific networks? Is there a
> history of Allwinner working in the environment that a car is expected
> to be exposed to, for example high temperatures and low temperatures?
> Is there commercial support from Allwinner in the automotive industry
> that a car maker might be able to hire in significant numbers on
> location? Is there an automotive board that would have the recommended
> peripherals to support automotive that is available for use as a
> sample board that is close to production hardware? Something along the
> lines of Renesas' R-Car M2 or similar?
Best would be that the IVI working group define their reference
architecture for ARM in Tizen IVI project and start to push and
maintiain the patches required to work on that reference platform.
If the chipset is similar to the one used in Tizen Common, work will be
It will need to be possible for most IVI developer to purchase that
reference ARM platform otherwise development will be staled quickly by
lack of validation option.
> IVI is still part of the automotive domain and while it can share a
> significant amount of software with other domains, there are still
> some automotive specific requirements that IVI has to fulfil. Can the
> Allwinner fulfil those?
Once again the initial goal with the Odroid of supporting hacker
platforms in Tizen Common, is to ease the integration and testing work
for the developers, not to provide a solution for IVI specific needs.

Dominig ar Foll
Senior Software Architect
Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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