Hi, IVI multiple users component

Recently, we found some unstable changes in multiple users support which 
blocked our test automation/tests deployment automation tools. So if we have 
detailed specifications about below items?

1.       What is the default user of "sdb"? how about the "sdb" support on 
Tizen common? How about "sdb root on" on Tizen? Can SSH use normal user to 
login the Tizen?

2.       Where is the common media path(just like the "/home/app/content/...") 
for a special normal use on Tizen? Is there a sharing folder for media files 
for all normal users?

3.       What is the difference between guest and normal users and system 
initial users(bob, Eric....)? and how about the schedule of removing "app" user 
and related folders/ in IVI mechanism?

4.       The details of "Tizen 3.0 security mechanism" and multi users:

a.       Normal users can only launch/list the app which be installed by 

b.      If the privilege will impact normal user's security mechanism? E.g. 
system folder permissions, guest users permission....

Best regards,

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