On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Vincent Massol wrote:

> I'm really sorry about this *HUGE* email ... Have I done something wrong ?
> Should I have configured something for that not to happen ... I find it
> strange that all files checked in are also sent in the email .... that's a
> double check in ... :)

All CVS commit log messages are sent to the corresponding developer list
for all Jakarta projects.  This is so that other committers can see what
changes are being made to the sources in the repository.  The EMAIL itself
is just a report of what took place; it is not a double check-in.

You've undoubtedly seen similar commit messages on Struts, as I (or
others) check in changes.  We haven't been doing many things quite as
large as this one, but that's OK.

Most of the time, it just shows the "-" and "+" lines for changes that are
being made.  When you add new files, though, it shows the entire file
(which makes sense, since that file did not exist in the repository before
so it's effectively adding every single line).

> Sorry again
> Vincent


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