0) rationale

Regression testing is an essential part of developing
"commercial-quality" software. JUnit is a  popular testing platform,
is primarily designed for standard Java classes. J2EEUnit extends the
Junit API to facilitate unit testing of server-side Java code. Since
Jakarta products are mainly servlet-based, J2EEUnit is a natural
addition to the Jakarta family. I am the sole author of J2EEUnit and
would like to donate the source code to the ASF for distribution under
the Apache License. I am currently a Committer to the Struts

(1) scope

J2EEUnit provides a set of classes which help developers create test
cases and test suites of server-side products. J2EEUnit extends JUnit,
a popular open source product distributed under the IBM Public License.

For Web application testing, J2EEUnit complements another JUnit
extension, HttpUnit < http://httpunit.sourceforge.net/ >. HttpUnit
is designed to test the output of Web pages, while J2EEUnit is designed

to test server-side classes living inside a container.

(1.5) interaction with other products

J2EEUnit already uses Ant as its build system for compiling and
generating the runtime jars, Javadoc, a sample application, and also to
run unit and functional tests.

J2EEUnit has been built with continuous integration in mind, meaning
that J2EEUnit unit tests can easily be  automated using Ant. J2EEUnit
provides such Ant scripts for the most common servlet engines (Tomcat
3.x,  Tomcat 4.x, Resin 1.2 & 1.3, WebLogic 5.1, Orion 1.4). Also,
J2EEUnit is already integrated with GUMP (part of Alexandria) and
are run every day on the jakarta servers (thanks to Sam Ruby). Work is
underway in the Struts subproject to create a testing suite for that

(2) identify the initial source from which the subproject is to be

A release (0.9) of J2EEUnit is now available from SourceForge <
http://j2eeunit.sourceforge.net/ > under the GPL and also through the
Commons-Sandbox CVS. Vincent Massol, the
donor, certifies that he is the sole author and owner of the source
code. If accepted, the latest version (0.9) will be donated to the ASF
and may be released under the Apache License.

(2.1) source status

J2EEUnit is reaching maturity. The current version is 0.9 and has been
through several releases on SourceForge. The project directory
already generally follows the Apache guidelines. The source code is
heavily commented and I would call the code production quality.

(2.2) dependencies

J2EEUnit imports classes only from java, javax, and junit.framework.

(3) identify any Jakarta-Commons resources to be created

The J2EE source code can be checked into a directory in the main CVS,
and can use the Jakarta-Commons mailing list for communications.

(4) identify the initial set of committers to be listed in the Status

Vincent Massol
Robert Leland
Ted Husted

(5) my goals and wishes

My goal is to transform a one-man codebase that is gaining visibility
but is still developed by a single person into a thriving product with
multiple developers contributing to the codebase. I believe this can be
achieved by donating the product to the Apache Software Foundation.
Along with this goal, I also believe that J2EEUnit could benefit many
other Jakarta products, especially if they share a common license.

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