----- Original Message -----
From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL/VOTE] Cactus inclusion in Commons

> Vincent Massol wrote:
> >
> > I have renamed J2EEUnit to Cactus in the jakarta-commons-sandbox CVS.
> > is the new name for J2EEUnit.
> >
> > I'd like to propose Cactus for inclusion into the jakarta-commons.
> >
> > Here is the revised proposal (taking into account the name change) :
> >
> > ------------
> >
> > 0) rationale
> >
> > Regression testing is an essential part of developing
> > "commercial-quality" software. JUnit is a  popular testing platform,
> > but
> > is primarily designed for standard Java classes. Cactus extends the
> > Junit API to facilitate unit testing of server-side Java code. Since
> > Jakarta products are mainly servlet-based, Cactus is a natural
> > addition to the Jakarta family. I am the sole author of Cactus and
> > would like to donate the source code to the ASF for distribution under
> > the Apache License. I am currently a Committer to the Struts
> > subproject.
> >
> > Note: Cactus was previously known as J2EEUnit but has been
> > renamed not to infringe on Sun's trademark about J2EE.
> I still think 'JEUnit' was better :)

Yes, JEUnit was second on my preferred list of names ... but I wanted
something a bit more fun ... :)
I appreciate a lot your help, Geir. Thanks.

> >
> > (1) scope
> >
> > Cactus provides a set of classes which help developers create test
> > cases and test suites of server-side products. Cactus extends JUnit,
> > a popular open source product distributed under the IBM Public License.
> >
> > For Web application testing, Cactus complements another JUnit
> > extension, HttpUnit < http://httpunit.sourceforge.net/ >. HttpUnit
> > is designed to test the output of Web pages, while Cactus is designed
> >
> > to test server-side classes living inside a container.
> >
> > (1.5) interaction with other products
> >
> > Cactus already uses Ant as its build system for compiling and
> > generating the runtime jars, Javadoc, a sample application, and also to
> > run unit and functional tests.
> >
> > Cactus has been built with continuous integration in mind, meaning
> > that Cactus unit tests can easily be  automated using Ant. Cactus
> > provides such Ant scripts for the most common servlet engines (Tomcat
> > 3.x,  Tomcat 4.x, Resin 1.2 & 1.3, WebLogic 5.1, Orion 1.4). Also,
> > Cactus is already integrated with GUMP (part of Alexandria) and
> > builds
> > are run every day on the jakarta servers (thanks to Sam Ruby). Work is
> > underway in the Struts subproject to create a testing suite for that
> > framework.
> >
> > (2) identify the initial source from which the subproject is to be
> > populated
> >
> > A release (0.9) of J2EEUnit is now available from SourceForge <
> > http://j2eeunit.sourceforge.net/ > under the GPL. Version 1.0 is also
> > available through the
> > Commons-Sandbox CVS under the Cactus name. Vincent Massol, the
> > donor, certifies that he is the sole author and owner of the source
> > code. If accepted, the latest version (1.0) will be donated to the ASF
> > and may be released under the Apache License.
> >
> > (2.1) source status
> >
> > Cactus is reaching maturity. The current version is 1.0 and has been
> > through several releases on SourceForge (under the J2EEUnit name). The
> > project directory
> > structure
> > already generally follows the Apache guidelines. The source code is
> > heavily commented and I would call the code production quality.
> >
> > (2.2) dependencies
> >
> > Cactus imports classes only from java, javax, and junit.framework.
> >
> > (3) identify any Jakarta-Commons resources to be created
> >
> > The Cactus source code can be checked into a directory in the main CVS,
> > and can initially use the Jakarta-Commons mailing list for
> >
> > (4) identify the initial set of committers to be listed in the Status
> > File.
> >
> > Vincent Massol
> > Robert Leland
> > Ted Husted
> >
> > (5) my goals and wishes
> >
> > My goal is to transform a one-man codebase that is gaining visibility
> > but is still developed by a single person into a thriving product with
> > multiple developers contributing to the codebase. I believe this can be
> > achieved by donating the product to the Apache Software Foundation.
> > Along with this goal, I also believe that Cactus could benefit many
> > other Jakarta products, especially if they share a common license.
> +1, and I'd be happy to help as I want to put this in immediately into
> Velocity...

Excellent. Thanks for your support. See my next mail about what remains to
do for Cactus.

> geir
> --
> Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Developing for the web?  See http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/

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