Title: RE: Commons web site

 From: Morgan Delagrange [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Believe it or not, I am making headway on the website.

> Any preferences about how the site should be
> constructed?  Do we want to use the Anakia/Stylebook
> stuff?  I haven't tried it yet; where does Anakia info
> live?  Or would we prefer another method?

I like anakia as the templates are very accessable and easy to read.

I think if we want to do with Anakia, the way Velocity does it is an example to start with.  There is a dependency on using the style information from jakarta-site2 so that you keep it up to date.  I had it configured where it would would go directly to CVS to get the latest style.vsl from site2, but that got to be problematic as I couldn't figure out how to do a version check against CVS, and therefore it would always download, and therefore rebuild the site, which was no fun when nothing had changed.  So we now just access the style.vsl from a parallel site2 tree.

Again, I am happy to help.


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