Title: RE: cvs commit: jakarta-commons/beanutils build.xml

Geir> Why give up?  Set the standard in beansutil...
Craig> I tried, but Rodney's packges now outnumber me :-).

Sorry guys.  My eyes tend to glaze over about 1/3 of the way through the endless build process/directory structure discussions.  What's the complaint here?  build.xml in the root directory of the component? 

You'll have a hard time convincing me that that is a bad idea, or that build/build.xml is better, but given enough pressure I'm sure to give in.  It didn't seem to me that that pressure had been applied.

A suggestion on all of this standardization stuff.  Let's proceed by (a) establishing what precisely we're trying to standardize and then (b) coming to agreement in a modular fashion (e.g., the "output" directory will be called 'X', the build file will be located at 'Y', etc. each as a separate decision point.)  The trouble is, we're all in partial agreement and all in partial disagreement.  Everyone has something to complain about in every proposal, but I don't think we're as far apart as that might lead one to believe.

I'll follow up with the minimal set of points I think we need to standardize on are, unless someone beats me to the punch...


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