Hola Rodney:

> "Ignacio J. Ortega" wrote: 
> > How i suppoused a DBCP is shutdown? 
> > 
> > Which is the way to release all 
> > connections or better, restart them, 
> > without rebuild the pool, or shutdown 
> > and restart it ? 
> I can't say that this is something I've had much need to do.  
> (We run multiple servers in production, so normally I'd just 
> bounce one server at at time to do something like this.)  

You never need to release connections made to the db server? 

> The clear method of ObjectPool could be helpful here, 
> although it's actually a bit tricky.  The trouble is the pool 
> only tracks the objects (in our case) connections that are 
> idle.  You can clear those easily, but the outstanding/active 
> connections won't be touched.
> It might help if I had a better idea of precisely what you 
> are trying to do.  Simply shutdown cleanly?  Change the 
> database you're connecting to? Recover from a bounced DB?

1) Clean shutdown.              
2) Recover from a bounced DB.

to be able to change the db connection?? well i dont think this is a
problem, or i can build more pools ( one for connection ) or simply
shutdown and build another.. not a problem..

> > I'm about to add a new constructor method to 
> > DriverManagerConnectionFactory to use the 
> > abreviated syntax DMCF(url,username,password) 
> > that mimics the original JDBC DriverManager 
> Feel free. 

makes sense to have DriverConnectionFactory & DMCF in sync? that is to
create DCF(url, username,password ) too? 

> > Is the correct protocol is to add my name to 
> > the list of committers on status.html and 
> > start doing commits ? 
> Yes, that's my understanding as well. 

I will go ahead, thanks..

Saludos ,
Ignacio J. Ortega

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