----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Fernández" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Test classification

> Hi folks!
> You know, I'm getting a bit nervous. Nobody answered to this mail, and
> nobody commented on the code I sent. Still, I get messages from commons
> alright, so it must be that either:
> - code and classification were incontrovertibly true, set on stone, the
> final truth;
> - or they were deemed irrelevant and discarded;
> - or they were so long that people are still reading them;
> - or a combination where one of them was in one of the previous cases
> and the other in another.

hehe .... You missed one option ... !
- we're all very busy and don't always answer on the fly. <personal note>As
far as I'm concerned, I'm setting up my company in the UK(London) and I've
been very busy as you can imagine ... But I have a bit more free time during
the week end ... </personal note>

Check my answer to your mail.

Also, I think it is normal you're not getting a lot of answers because as
you have seen there a lot of very different subjects being discussed on the
*same* mailing list ! That's why I have asked for the creation of a
dedicated cactus-users mailing list, which should arrive soon (I hope !).
Craig ?

> Anyways, I'd like to know whether the code will be used, to make up and
> insert the proper header in every class (license enforcement, you might
> say). I don't care about the classification, since we use it around here
> and it works alright; but I'd like to hear your comments.

Sorry I don't understand ! What code ? Code headers ?

> At least there is one advocate of the Old English logo (thanks
> Lavandowska! You rock! :)
> Un saludo,
> Alex.

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