I followed Andrew's steps. The test still bombs at the same point --
statement connection.getInputStream(), in method ServletHttpClient.doTest()
-- but now throws exception

                java.net.SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server

        Any suggestions?

Keith Pierce
FedACH Support Services
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew B Forman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 6:58 AM
> Subject:      RE: [cactus] Problem running under Visual Age for Java
> Hi Pierce,
> I can tell you how I've gotten it running on 3.5.2.
> Setup-wise I have JUnit and Cactus in a project.
> I've put my cactus.properties in as a resource
> for that project.
> Then when I start up the servlet engine, I've just
> had to make sure that the JUnit project is in the
> classpath.
> For the WebSphere Test Environment I setup Cactus
> with its own webapp by adding to IBM WS
> TE\properties\default.servlet_engine
> this entry:
>     <websphere-webgroup name="test">
>        <description>Testing Web Application</description>
>        <document-root>$approot$</document-root>
>        <classpath>$approot$/servlets</classpath>
>        <root-uri>/test</root-uri>
>        <auto-reload enabled="true" polling-interval="3000"/>
>        <shared-context>false</shared-context>
>     </websphere-webgroup>
> Then in IBM WS TE\hosts\default_host\
> I put a directory named "test" and droped redirector.jsp
> and a servlets folder which contains my test.webapp file.
> I've included that file since it is a bit lengthy.
> I don't know that this is the best way by any means,
> but I've gotten it to work.
> Best of luck,
> Andrew
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Pierce, Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 4:50 PM
> > Subject: [cactus] Problem running under Visual Age for Java
> >
> >
> > I'm having trouble configuring Visual Age for Java's WebSphere Test
> > Environment to run Cactus unit tests [I'm running VAJ 3.5.3].
> > When I try to
> > run a test, the method ServletHttpClient.doTest() fails at the statement
> > connection.getInputStream(), which throws the following exception:
> >
> >      java.io.FileNotFoundException:
> > http://localhost:8080/test/ServletRedirector
> >
> > Here's some relevant information. I've created file cactus.properties
> with
> > the following entries and placed it at the root of WTE's
> > classpath (it seems
> > to find this file ok):
> >
> >     cactus.servletRedirectorURL =
> > http://localhost:8080/test/ServletRedirector
> >     cactus.jspRedirectorURL = http://localhost:8080/test/JspRedirector
> >
> > The WTE application's configuration file, default_app.webapp, contains
> the
> > following XML entry that provides to WTE  the alias to the servlet
> > redirector:
> >
> >
> >    <servlet>
> >       <name>ServletRedirector</name>
> >       <description>Redirector servlet for Cactus</description>
> >
> <code>org.apache.commons.cactus.server.ServletTestRedirector</code>
> >       <servlet-path>/test/ServletRedirector</servlet-path>
> >       <autostart>true</autostart>
> >    </servlet>
> >
> > Finally, here's the test method that causes the exception:
> >
> > /**
> >  * Test that the controller logs on the user when presented with
> >  * a valid aba number, that is, the user's aba number is placed in
> >  * the HttpSession.
> >  */
> > public void testGoodLogon() {
> >     try {
> >         LogonClientController lcc = new LogonClientController();
> >         lcc.logon(request, "091000022");
> >         assertEquals("aba number not placed in session", "091000022",
> > session.getAttribute("aba"));
> >     } catch (Exception e) {
> >         assert("logon \"091000022\" failed", false);
> >     }
> > }
> >
> >
> >
> > Keith Pierce
> > FedACH Support Services
> > Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
> > 612-204-6480
> > << File: test.webapp >> 

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