Hi Kunal,

Does Cactus works for you with the samples as provided in the cactus
distribution. If yes it means it is a problem with your code or Cactus. If
no, then it is a problem with your setup in your VAJava environment. I would
say it has a 99.99% chance it is a problem with the environment setup.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Vaishnav, Kunal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 5:37 PM
Subject: RE: [cactus] Problem running under Visual Age for Java

> Hi,
>   I have a problem with Cactus..
> When I do:
> Logint servlet = new Logint();
> it gives me an exception like :ServletExceptionWrapper
> The error is
> ERROR: testGetAddress(com.jdedwards.oneworld.owportal.util.TestLogint) :
> line 62 : org.apache.commons.cactus.client.ServletExceptionWrapper
> so what i did was to write a fail statement after this...(i was not sure
> this..so wrote the fail stmt..)..
> so what is happening?...Why is the above statement failing?..Is it because
> of bug in my code/the code I am testing or with the method itself?
> Thanks for your patience.
> Kunal.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincent Massol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 2:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [cactus] Problem running under Visual Age for Java
> Thanks Todd,
> I'll put the information you provided on the Cactus web site this week
> a VisualAge-Cactus integration tutorial.
> Cheers,
> Vincent
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Idler, Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 10:19 PM
> Subject: RE: [cactus] Problem running under Visual Age for Java
> > Hi Keith,
> >
> > Long post below...
> >
> > I'm using VisualAge for Java 3.5.3, Cactus 1.1, and JUnit 3.7.  I was
> > getting the same SocketException that your test was throwing (see end of

> > post).  This is the configuration that got my tests to work in the
> WebSphere
> > Test Environment.  Some of the steps may be superfluous but this is what
> > worked for me.  I'm not sure what fixed the exception because I was
> a
> > lot of tweaking and following Andrew's steps from the previous post in
> this
> > thread.  {Cactus dir} refers to the directory where Cactus was extracted
> and
> > {VisualAge dir} refers to the VisualAge for Java install directory.
> >
> > 1. I created three projects: JUnit, Cactus, and Log4j.  Into JUnit, I
> > imported src.jar from the JUnit zip.  Into Cactus, I imported {Cactus
> > dir}\src\framework\servlet22 and {Cactus dir}\src\framework\share.  Into
> > Log4j, I imported log4j-core.jar from {Cactus dir}\lib.
> >
> > 2. Into the directory {VisualAge dir}\ide\project_resources\Cactus, I
> copied
> > cactus.properties, log_client.properties, and log_server.properties,
> I
> > took from {Cactus dir}\sample\conf\test.
> >
> > 3. In the file {VisualAge dir}\ide\project_resources\IBM WebSphere Test
> > Environment\properties\default.servlet_engine, I added
> >
> >     <websphere-webgroup name="test">
> >        <description>Cactus Testing Web Application</description>
> >        <document-root>$approot$/web</document-root>
> >        <classpath>$approot$/servlets</classpath>
> >        <root-uri>/test</root-uri>
> >        <auto-reload enabled="true" polling-interval="3000"/>
> >        <shared-context>false</shared-context>
> >     </websphere-webgroup>
> >
> > under the default_app webgroup.
> >
> > 4. I created a directory called test under {VisualAge
> > dir}\ide\project_resources\IBM WebSphere Test
> > Environment\hosts\default_host\.  In test, I created two subdirectories:
> > servlets and web.
> >
> > a. Into the servlets subdirectory, I copied the file default_app.webapp
> from
> > {VisualAge dir}\ide\project_resources\IBM WebSphere Test
> > Environment\hosts\default_host\default_app\servlets\ and renamed it
> > test.webapp.  I made these changes to the file:
> >
> > i. Replaced value of the webapp/name element with 'test' and replaced
> > value of webapp/description.
> >
> > ii. Right below the webapp/error-page element, I added
> >
> >    <servlet>
> >       <name>ServletRedirector</name>
> >       <description>Cactus Testing ServletRedirector</description>
> >
> >       <servlet-path>/ServletRedirector</servlet-path>
> >       <autostart>false</autostart>
> >    </servlet>
> >
> >    <servlet>
> >       <name>JspRedirector</name>
> >       <description>Cactus Testing JspRedirector</description>
> >       <code>/test/web/redirector.jsp</code>
> >       <servlet-path>/JspRedirector</servlet-path>
> >       <autostart>false</autostart>
> >    </servlet>
> >
> > iii. Removed the invoker servlet shown below
> >
> >    <servlet>
> >       <name>invoker</name>
> >       <description>Auto-registration servlet</description>
> >       <code>com.ibm.servlet.engine.webapp.InvokerServlet</code>
> >       <servlet-path>/servlet/*</servlet-path>
> >       <autostart>true</autostart>
> >    </servlet>
> >
> > iv. Changed the code element for the jsp servlet to
> > com.ibm.ivj.jsp.jasper.runtime.JspDebugServlet and the scratchdir
> > init-parameter value element to $server_root$/temp/JSP1_1/default_app.
> >
> > b. Into the web subdirectory, I copied redirector.jsp from {Cactus
> > dir}\sample\web\test.
> >
> > 5. Back in VisualAge, I selected Window...Options from the menu.  Under
> the
> > Resources option for the workspace classpath, I added {VisualAge
> > dir}\ide\project_resources\JUnit\;{VisualAge
> > dir}\ide\project_resources\Cactus\;{VisualAge
> > dir}\ide\project_resources\Log4j\;
> >
> > 6. In the WebSphere Test Environment under Servlet Engine, I added
> > JUnit, Log4j, and the project that contained the tests to the classpath.
> >
> > With this configuration, you'll find cactus_client.log under {VisualAge
> > dir}\ide\project_resources\{project being tested} and cactus_server.log
> > under {VisualAge dir}\ide\tools\com-ibm-ivj-ui-webcontrolcenter when you
> run
> > your tests.
> >
> > I had found that the ServletRedirector had not been called when the
> > SocketException was being thrown.  The exception originated in
> > ServletHttpClient.doTest() in the call to connection.getInputStream(),
> which
> > is supposed to force the calling of ServletRedirector.  In the
> > default.servlet_engine file, I  had the webgroup for the webapp that I
> > testing mapped to a root-uri of "/", which is where the default_app
> webgroup
> > is mapped.  I was getting strange results when trying to run my webapp
> with
> > this mapping and the Cactus test mapping.  Once I changed the root-uri
> > my webapp to something unique and had the Cactus test configuration as
> > above, everything worked.  I don't know if this mis-mapping was somehow
> > causing problems with the loading of ServletRedirector.
> >
> > Hope this helps.
> >
> > Todd
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Pierce, Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 10:12 AM
> > Subject: RE: [cactus] Problem running under Visual Age for Java
> >
> >
> > I followed Andrew's steps. The test still bombs at the same point --
> > statement connection.getInputStream(), in method
> ServletHttpClient.doTest()
> > -- but now throws exception
> >
> > java.net.SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > Keith Pierce
> > FedACH Support Services
> > Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
> > 612-204-6480
> >

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