commons-cactus is clean as I have been comparing it several time with local
copies on my hard disk that dated before the intrusion.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Waldhoff, Rodney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 3:05 AM
Subject: FW: final roundup of security audit of source code

> We should probably do something about this.
> I don't think jakarta-commons-sandbox matters much as far as this is
> concerned.  Any problems created there should be detected when moving that
> stuff into jakarta-commons proper, so maybe we could just call that
> or "not relevant"?
> For jakarta-commons, I guess should we handle this on a per-component
> and then report back up when we're all done?  I couldn't begin to tell you
> which changes to Cactus are the right ones, for example.
> I'm pretty sure http-client and collections are clean since I've been
> rather recent versions of both on a daily basis, but to be honest I
> done a manual diff against the "pre-hack" directories.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Behlendorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 8:17 PM
> Subject: final roundup of security audit of source code
> According to, the following
> CVS modules have still not yet been audited conclusively:
>     httpd-win32-msi
>     jakarta-alexandria
>     jakarta-commons
>     jakarta-commons-sandbox
>     jakarta-slide
>     jakarta-taglibs
>     jakarta-tomcat-jasper
>     jakarta-tomcat-site
>     jakarta-tools
>     jakarta-turbine-jyve
>     jakarta-turbine-orgami
>     tcl-core
>     xml-admin
>     xml-axis
>     xml-cocoon                              (in progress)
>     xml-core
>     xml-site
>     xml-xalan                               (Xalan-J 1.x project -
> could be removed?)
>     xml-xalan\c
>     xml-xalan\java                          DTM_EXP branch ???
> If people within these groups could make a concerted effort to check these
> over so we can close this out, I'd appreciate it.  That way I can remove
> the /home/cvs-prehack dir, modify the news blurb on the front page, etc.
> We are also pulling some backups to restore a directory that was
> accidentally removed (unrelated to the hack) from an older backup, so if
> we need to get other files, now would be a good time.
> Thanks!
> Brian

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