Ok, I found a pre-crack local copy of the repository, and the following
checked out OK, either with no changes, or changes I could explain:

 * commons/collections
 * commons/dbcp
 * commons/docs
 * commons/digester
 * commons/httpclient
 * commons/pool
 * commons/xdocs
 * sandbox/cache
 * sandbox/cadastre
 * sandbox/jjar
 * sandbox/resources
 * sandbox/threading
 * sandbox/xmlunit

I don't have a local copy of some things or was unable to get a good diff
for some reason, so someone else will need to take a look at what remains.

Together with Vincent's check on cactus, our own little status is then:

 beanutils    - *** need volunteer ***
 cactus       - clean
 collections  - clean
 dbcp         - clean
 digester     - clean
 docs         - clean
 httpclient   - clean
 pool         - clean
 xdocs        - clean

 amend        - empty (could be completely removed)
 cadastre     - clean
 cjan         - *** need volunteer ***
 digester     - should be removed, as this is now in commons proper?
 jjar         - clean
 jpath        - *** need volunteer ***
 resources    - clean
 rupert       - clean (created post-crack)
 threading    - clean
 xmlunit      - clean 

If someone could look into the remaining three pieces (beanutils, cjan,
jpath), we could close this task out.

 - Rod

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