I have modified the todo page on the Cactus web site and transformed it into
a roadmap, i.e. join together the todo list and the versions into which
these changes will be done :

The goal is to have a clear definition of what's going to be in the next
version and commit to that, i.e. work all together towards this goal.

Here is how I'd like us to proceed:
- Leave 15 days from now for everyone to review the Roadmap. The initial
Roadmap that I have put on the web site is my vision. I'd like to have
yours, i.e. you are free to comment on items and move them around in other
versions if you think it is a better idea. You are also more than welcome to
add new items and ideas. After these initial 15 days, I'd like to freeze the
todo for version 1.2, i.e. we'll wait until at least all the items are
finished before releasing version 1.2.
- Everyone that would like to participate can send an email to the mailing
list stating so and I'll add him/her to the volunteer column
- Everything new after these 15 days will go in the next version (1.3),
unless there is a general consensus that the new feature is highly desirable
for the new version and we prefer to delay it's release to incorporate it.

Is that fine with everyone ? Tell me what you think but please answer on the
mailing list.

Thanks a lot.

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