----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Fernández" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [cactus] Roadmap for Version 1.2 and future versions ...

> Hi Vincent!
> Vincent Massol wrote:
> > That's great to hear ! I'll put you as volunteer on the todo page (will
> > tonight). Thanks for that.
> Do you think the approach is the right one? I mean, using mock-objects
> as another container?

No, I don't know ... This really an experimental area.

My idea is to try to have a single way of writing a test case and then have
a runtime generator that generates either Mock object style or in-container
style depending on a configuration flag or something alike.

> > Regarding Cactus installation, the easiest to start with is simply to
> > with the sample application first :
> > - download the packaged Ant first and install it per the instructions on
> > web site
> > - unzip the Cactus distribution, go into the sample\build directory and
> > "ant usage"
> That's what I'm trying to do, but with no luck. Neither Tomcat 3.3 (with
> a custom server.xml) nor Weblogic 5.1 (sp 9 I should add) do the tests.

I have support for Tomcat 3.3 only this week end ... If you're using a
previous cactus distribution, then it only works with Tomcat 3.2 or Tomcat
4.0 but *not* with Tomcat 3.3 ... If you want to use Tomcat 3.3, check the
latest sources from CVS.

For WL 5.1, are you using exactly the provided weblogic.properties file and
the provided Ant script ? If so, then maybe there is a problem with SP9 (I
have only tested it with SP8) ...

> Tomcat seems to start OK but shows no messages.
> Weblogic spits out the following error:
>      [java] lun jul 02 10:44:48 CEST 2001:<E> <HTTP> Error reading Web
> applicati
> on 'out/test/weblogic51/testinstance/test'
>      [java] java.net.NoRouteToHostException: Operation timed out: no
> further inf
> ormation

Hope it helps.


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