robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tuesday, May 1, 2001, at 09:31 PM, Nick Afshartous wrote:
> > Several months ago on the struts-user list there was a discussion on
> > automatically deriving Java classes from a datamodel and creating
> > beans to be used in forms.  See:
> >
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01589.html
> >
> > In the interim we have done some prototyping work to define a datamodel in
> > XML and XSLT stylesheets to generate Java code.
> have you looked at texen (see
> for source generation from xml, velocity is *much* better than XSLT
> stylesheets.

I concur with Robert -- Velocity lends itself far more handily to such
an endeavor than XSLT ever could.

> turbine has been using this approach to generate the kind of stuff
> that you're proposing for quite some time now (see

We've been using Torque in Tigris for quite some time now, and it
works like a charm.

Daniel Rall

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