Title: RE: [httpclient] logging and testing changes

Jason van Zyl wrote:
> What if the log4j developers made a really R
> tiny core package, say 10-15k that provided
> the bare minimum for logging? Would people be
> willing to use it then?

That's exactly what I was thinking.  It seems like we could get away with an extremely simple implementation of the log4j Category class that just dumps to stdout, or conditionally dumps to stdout based upon the value of some runtime property, or even one that just quitely ignores all the logging calls.  The whole thing could probably be done in a couple of KBs (not even 10-15), which would suffice for those who don't care much for/about logging.

Re. the interceptor point, I'm not sure that does what we need/want here.  Remember that the problem at hand isn't messaging, it's debugging.  Most (all) of the log output in httpclient right now is there to trace/diagnose/understand the inner workings of httpclient.  Sending "events" to listeners isn't going to offer the level of detail desirable for debugging httpclient.

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