> There are many features which could (and probably will) be added to the
> client, but I think many people (including myself, since the Slide WebDAV
> client is an extension of this HTTP client) need a stable version on which
> they could base their work on.

Agree 100%.  I have already been hit by not having a released version.

> HTTP Client 1.0 release ballot :
>   [ ] +1 I am in favor of this release and will help
>   [ ] +0 I am in favor of this release, but am unable to help
>   [ ] -0 I am not in favor of this release, and my reason is:
> (Note: There's no -1 in the ballot, since vetoing a release is not allowed
> under normal circumstances - please correct me if I'm wrong)

+1 - I am willing to help and support the release, just let me know what I
can do.


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