On 8/8/01 1:38 PM, "Sam Ruby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jason van Zyl wrote:
>> I'll see if I can make it work, but the idea is that the build will be
>> transparent so hopefully people won't need to look in the binary
>> installation directory.
> Once you have accepted a directory structure, the next step is to recognize
> that directories may have internal structure, and what you need is a
> descriptor telling you where you can find what you need.  Furthermore, that
> directory structure really should match the layout of the individual
> projects released distributions.

I think that Gump would be used to feed the repository with the latest JARs,
but I don't think most people would be interested in layout of the projects.
The just want the docs and build things with it.
> If you stop for a moment and think about it, you will figure out where I am
> going with this.  I already have such project descriptors...  ;-)

Yes, I understand :-) I would like to use the dependency information gather
by gump and allow JJAR to use this, but I think the information would have
to change a bit. I will know more when I get the first example working. We
also need a way to move these project descriptors into the project. If we
potentially get hundreds of projects this will become a loathsome task, and
I think it's the projects responsibility. But I definitely want to use the
idea of sharing project descriptors for mechanisms like gump and an
automated build system.
> Of course, some people might want to mix and match between released
> versions of things and stuff they build for themselves, so these
> descriptors need to be organized into profiles and referenced by a
> workspace...

Right now the project controls what it wants to use in a project level
build.properties file. I don't see the need for a workspace for a project
> - Sam Ruby



Jason van Zyl


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