This is the idea that I had implemented in CJAN as an Ant Task.  You defined
${local.repo} and ${remote.repo} and then did a get of say velocity (the
latest was the default to get, or you could specify a version),  check it
out and steal it for jjar.  This is exactly what I was wanting to do, and I
believe the example I have in the cjan directory does what you are talking
about.  You just need to plug in jjar as the backend, I think.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason van Zyl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 8:57 AM
Subject: Central Repository for JARs

> Hi,
> I am trying to create a build system using JJAR and Ant that will allow
> use of a central repository of JARs on a local system so that JARs don't
> have to be stored in CVS but the build process for a developer will be
> as easy.
> I was originally using a single directory with a series of JARs contained
> within, than Vincent suggested using a directory structure.
> But I think it boils down to a project specifying a dependency on a
> particular version of a JAR. Ideally it would be good if the latest
> would work but this is not going to be the case in practice.
> Right now I have something like the following:
> ----------------
> velocity.jar = ${lib.repo}/velocity-1.2.jar
> build.xml
> ---------
> <path id="classpath">
>   <pathelement location="${velocity.jar}"/>
> </path>
> And if we used a directory structure we might have something like
> the following
> ----------------
> velocity.jar = ${lib.repo}/velocity/1.2/velocity.jar
> I think at some point the project has to state a dependency on a
> version so I was wondering what people thought?
> I think using JJAR and Ant a build system could be constructured so that
> java projects could use it to make building very easy while not having to
> store JARs in multiple places. With the definition of ${lib.repo} in your
> ~/ file the whole thing could work. I have been trying to
> get this to work with the turbine projects so there is a working example
> geir has been help me so hopefully there will be something to show
> I thought I would solicit opinions and see if anyone else would actually
> this system if made.
> --
> jvz.
> Jason van Zyl

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