
How do you intend to handle log4j configuration files? Ceki

At 13:51 08.08.2001 -0700, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
>Hi all,
>I've committed a proposal for a Logging package to the
>jakarta-commons/logging.  Please review it, if you
>can.  I've repackaged the code, which was originally
>inside httpclient but seemed to warrant its own
>component.  Please make any suggestions you like on
>the proposal and scope before we call a formal vote.
>The main idea is to have a thin logging facade that we
>can use for the Commons components.  It's important to
>note that this is NOT a proposal for a logging tool;
>the idea is that you plug in the logger of your choice
>at runtime via these methods.  Hopefully this will
>alleviate some concerns wrt. the different logging
>implementations available now and in the future.
>I'm thinking that this library is mainly targeted
>toward use within Commons projects, although I don't
>see why end-users could not utilize the library
>directly if they want to keep their logging options
>- Morgan
>Morgan Delagrange
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Ceki Gülcü -

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