On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Waldhoff, Rodney wrote:

> Or submit a patch.  It'd be nice to at least pretend jakarta-commons
> operates like any other jakarta sub-project, as it says in the charter.  (No
> offense, but I don't know you from Adam. I can't just +1 you as a committer
> sight unseen.  I'm sure you're patch is great, so submit it as such, and
> then nominate yourself as a committer.)

In fact, this situation illustrates one of the social issues we need to be
sensitive about when migrating packages out of other projects and into the

The source of the httpclient package code *was* the jakarta-slide project,
where Dirk is a committer, and where this code was in use.  (In the same
way, digester and beanutils came originally from Struts, where it's been
in use for over a year).

We should applaud people willing to contribute packages to commons "for
the common good".  We should probably modify the charter to somehow confer
committer status on the same code that these individuals had committer
status on before.  But we should also be sensitive to arbitrarily changing
APIs that the original "source" project depends on, without gaining
agreement (Yes, I understand that it was unwitting in this case, but Dirk
isn't somebody who wandered in off the street :-).


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